5 non-obvious things to take on a long trip


The thing about traveling is that you are always limited by the capacity of your backpack or suitcase. Some things don’t need to be talked about, after all, you know perfectly well what you need to take on a trip. Sure, you can also buy many things on the go, but not the ones I’ve listed below! Check out why they are on my list!

*The above mentioned things apply in different conditions, climates and parts of the world. Although of course it all depends on where and how you travel 🙂

What to take on a trip? Jelly!

First of all, I must mention my discovery, which partially saved me during my trip to Asia. By coincidence, I took a few bags of jelly – kissel with me on the trip, thinking that maybe one day, somewhere in Cambodia, I would like to eat.

It so happened that one day in Cambodia I actually felt like eating jelly – kissel. It was the day when R. and I got poisoned by street food. Half the night of torment, diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions, then the morning and the rest of the day spent lying in bed and dying. My body was exhausted, dehydrated and absolutely helpless against the bacteria that multiplied in it.

If you want to know how we recovered from food poisoning in one day, you can read more HERE.

Jelly was very important in my treatment process. It tasted wonderful after a whole day of torment. It was a real paradise for the palate and, most importantly, for the stomach. As it turned out, jelly- kissel due to its composition (mainly flour and potato starch) is a great protective product. It soothes an irritated stomach and accelerates its regeneration. It is a good product to start with when you want to start taking your first meals after a serious illness.

Being in a hotel, you generally have access to boiling water, so preparing it shouldn’t be a big challenge (even considering your poor condition when you are sick). You can always ask someone for help.


Permethrin is an insecticide. Its main use is in agriculture, but it is also used in dermatology as a medicine for scabies and lice. The mechanism of action involves paralysis of the nervous system of the insect or parasite. Permethrin is safe for humans, provided it does not get into the mucous membranes or is not swallowed.

During the trip, we slept in various places. In good-class hotels, in run-down hostels, in modest homestays with locals. The conditions were different, but regardless of the class and standard of accommodation, insects were everywhere. This is the charm of Asia, you have to take it into account. We didn’t always have the opportunity to hang a mosquito net over the bed to protect us.

Permethrin was recommended to us by our travel medicine doctor. It can be purchased in two forms:

  • In the form of a ready-made, concentrated product in an aerosol or liquid form,
  • In powder, for self-preparation.
  • In cream/soap
what to take on a trip
Examples of permethrin products to buy onlinewhat to take on a trip

Permethrin helped us in places where our room wasn’t particularly tight. Sometimes the gaps near doors or windows were so large that giant spiders, cockroaches and large lizards could easily pass through. In these places we used permethrin – in our case powdered and freshly prepared in a bottle.

I recommend this solution especially when you do not want to sleep in the fumes of other protective agents, such as DEET, which are harmful to humans and smelly in the long run. (Mugga, OFF, etc.) It is also a form of protection in case you cannot hang a mosquito net. Mosquitoes really love me, and the lack of protection in my case was a guarantee of new bites.

Plastic ziplock bags

In my luggage I like to have order. I can’t imagine a mess in my backpack or suitcase, dirty underwear mixed with clean, cosmetics piled with medicines. I believe that there is no place for chaos in travel.

My solution was plastic ziplock bags from Ikea – although they are used for storing food, they are also great for socks. It is best to have several bags of different sizes. So, when traveling, you first put your socks in there, then open washing powder so that it doesn’t spill around the backpack. And later prepared permethrin in the bottle so that it doesn’t leak. In another you have food saved for later, or you pack trinkets that you didn’t fit into the other categories. And everything suddenly has its place.

You can accuse me of being „unecological” and promoting plastic. This bags are reusable and even if they get dirty, they can be simply washed and disinfected. These are not products that you throw away after one use. My bags came back home with me and are still used in various ways.

Raspberry seed oil

Before I hear voices of misunderstanding and denial, I want to present how many properties this oil has.

Raspberry seed oil has many properties. I guess I shouldn’t write the obvious things – it moisturizes, nourishes, prevents skin aging, is rich in EFAs (essential fatty acids), does not clog pores and works great even on acne-prone skin (like mine). But let me add that it’s a stable oil, resistant to rancidity. Even in hot climates you do not have to worry about its durability.

Raspberry seed oil is my discovery. It soothes burns, reduces erythema after sun exposure and also has some ability to absorb UVB radiation. This doesn’t mean that it can replace a suncream, but it’s a good addition to this creams that doesn’t clog the skin. It is also great for men as an aftershave cosmetic, soothing inflammation and irritation. Both men and women can take it with them when traveling.

For me, raspberry seed oil turned out to be perfect in travel. I used it on my face, body and hair. It is an extremely efficient cosmetic, so even a small bottle will last for a long time. I am convinced that it is worth taking it on a trip due to the multitude of properties it has. It will replace many cosmetics, thanks to which you will save space. For safety, it is worth packing it just in a ziplock bag, in case you spill/break the bottle.

Inflatable travel pillow

I’m not a fan of standard travel pillows. They take up valuable space in your luggage, and often do not fit in at all. And that’s mainly why inflatable headrests work in my opinion. Inflating the pillow makes it soft and comfortable, ensuring the comfort of use practically the same as with a regular pillow. When you no longer need it, you simply deflate it and pack it back into your luggage. Another advantage of inflatable pillows is that they are usually made of easy-to-clean material.

I know, the hygiene of inflating such a headrest is debatable. I simply disinfect the mouthpiece from time to time with an alcohol wipe or disinfectant spray.

By the way, did you know that it is better to place a travel pillow in front of you, placing it under your chin? This way our head doesn’t fly to all sides, but rests comfortably on the pillow.

5 non-obvious things to take on a long trip – in short

  • Jelly – Perfect for treating traveler’s diarrhea, food poisoning, protective product,
  • Permethrin – An insecticide that is safe for humans. Replacement for OFF, Mugga type products,
  • Plastic ziplock bags – Universal use, they help keep your luggage tidy,
  • Raspberry seed oil – Versatile cosmetic properties, efficient,
  • Inflatable travel pillow – Comfort and space saving
Thanks for visiting, marlena